
How to Start a Blog

Beginning something new is always thrilling and nerve-wracking at the same time, you want to make a good impression, be original as well as showing your true self. Truth is that when you meet people in real life you can always count on your body language, the way you present yourself, in a blog I think it is much harder because everything you can possibly write will always be mediated by the reader interpretation of what you say. They will never know the intonation you want them to read your posts with, sarcasm, joy, wit, etc.

I have created this blog for a few months now, but I have never posted anything on it.. the reasons are various but I guess the main one is that I did want to start with something smart/interesting/new/arty.. well I still have not found it however I decided to begin writing and see where this goes.

If you type in Google search browser "How To Start A Blog" various links are going to suggest ideas on how to make you rich and popular by writing a blog, well right now this is not where I am heading to. My intent is to assemble my ideas, keep tracks of my discoveries and force myself to keep me update with what is happening in the fashion/art/cinema world.

I am not sure if this is the best way of starting a blog but well, now it is done and I can move on to thinking a serious post inherent to my objective.

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